

Day #2: Define (Or Redefine) Your Mission

Today as you’re winning your brand revitalization Day 2, you should do a bit of reflection. After looking at your brand’s journey focusing on a concept for your brand is essential. Now is a great time to define, or if needed, redefine your vision.


You’re on an elevator, on the way to a pitch session, and you run into Mark Cuban. It’s a long ride to the top, and he asks you about the nature of your visit. Are you able to clearly state the vision and mission of your business?

Your mission is the driving force – the engine – of your business. This concept is deeply rooted and goes beyond simply making a profit. Your vision is about having clarity as to why your business exists. Ask yourself how you plan to sell or serve.

Display your values in your mission, but also briefly state what you hope to accomplish. Because your values are the basis of your mission statement, your vision controls how you and your brand are perceived.
Your mission is what gives you purpose and helps you to share that purpose with those who’re building with you. It also allows you to set goals and objectives for your brand.

"I love it when a mission statement defines a business so well that it feels like strategy."

Berry continues, saying a good mission statement:
– Defines what the company does for its customers
– Defines what the company does for its employees
– Defines what the company does for its owners
– Defines what the company does for its community and the world.

There should be a considerable focus on finding out what makes your business unique. It would help if you also were prepared to answer what solutions you bring to your field. If another entity can use your mission statement, it’s not specific enough.


What is your goal, expected results, or end game for your business/brand? Will your mission help you reach your goals in a year? Five years? Ten years?
Make your mission statement one or two concise sentences. Sometimes, that may play out as a statement that begins more broadly in the first sentence but becomes more focused on accomplishing the first sentence in the second sentence.

Make sure your mission statement is comprehensive enough that you actually need to reach for your goals but realistic enough to be achievable.
Don’t rush through this exercise. Your mission is the foundation of your game plan for success. Building a legacy with your brand will be impossible if your foundation is unstable.

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