Ultimate Challenge!: 5 Key Strategies for Winning Your Brand Revitalization (Day 1)

Join UMAG on this five-day journey of exploration. Maybe you’ll gain some knowledge that will help you down the road.

Day #3: Your Brand Defined

We hope you gained some value from Thursday’s focus on defining and stating the mission of your business. Today is a day for understanding just what a brand is. For that, it’s going to take some exploration.


Many entrepreneurs don’t know what their brand is. Do you?
As spectacular as you are, you aren’t a superhero. You can’t be all the things for all the customers. Knowing your niche is critical.

Gaining some clarity on your brand will help target customers more effectively.
John Williams, a contributor at Entrepreneur.com, explains branding as: 
…one of the most important aspects of any business, large or small, retail or B2B. An effective brand strategy gives you a major edge in increasingly competitive markets. But what exactly does “branding” mean?

Your brand is your promise to your client base. It’s what they can expect from your products and services. Your brand’s roots stem from who you are, who you want to be, and who people think you are. These details can set you apart from competitors.

board, chalk, feedback-3699978.jpg
Answer these questions in detail. Where possible, put the same questions to an outside party, such as devoted customers. Their feedback helps you to see what customers value most.
Three core questions provide valuable feedback and help you to grow. Though you should attempt to answer them yourself, it helps to pose the questions to other people. Ask repeat customers and supporters:
  • What exactly makes you different from other companies in your industry?
  • Why should someone choose your product over a competitor?
  • Why would someone choose your service over another company?

Also, take the time to sum up your brand in one sentence. Know, and research the niche you plan to take space in.

TIPS: Your mission and brand should align and intertwine. These guiding principles will propel you forward and make what you offer difficult for your client base to pass by. 

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