Ultimate Challenge!: 5 Key Strategies for Winning Your Brand Revitalization (Day 4)
Day 4: Defining Your Culture

Welcome to Your Brand Revitalization, 4th day of the challenge. Monday, we saw how strong brands define who your customers will be and what you are giving them. Today we examine the culture of your business.


Every business has its own unique culture, anatomies, and individual characteristics. Even the micro-businesses have one. Most brands become shaped by leaders who guide the vessel. Their ideas and solutions urge them along the landscape. A healthy culture retains a great work environment that people enjoy contributing to, while toxic cultures drive employees and partners away.

The question is whether your business culture is one you’ve intentionally created or one that has evolved on its own. Let today’s focus be on examining your business culture’s validity and scalability.
You may remember that on Day 1, we centered on the idea that your values are on display in your mission. Those values also uphold the culture and are what everyone in the environment should experience every day.
It’s essential for each individual to feel cared for and have moments to be recognized for the unique position they’re in. A sense of being “in this together” should permeate the culture.
If you’re going to achieve your mission and remain true to your brand, you need to maintain a culture that causes people to trust you and want to work with you.
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What is the current culture within your business?
  • Inclusive or isolated?
  • Peaceful or harried?
  • Warm/friendly, mediocre/tepid, or aloof/hostile?
  • Fun when appropriate, or typically grave?
What are the current culture’s strengths? What are its weaknesses? Is there anyone causing toxicity that may need to move on?
Is your current culture supporting your highest values or making it more challenging to achieve them?
What are some manageable steps to create a healthy business culture that propels you toward your mission and helps you stay true to your brand?
Who can help you to implement these steps? You may want to communicate these steps to a select few within the business after discussing what you are sensing.
That’s it for today!
Friday, we’ll finish up with a strategy that helps bring together all we’ve covered during the challenge.
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