Black History Month Comic Art Against Erasure Mixer

Black History Month Comic Art Against Erasure Mixer

Hey Boss Squad!

We’re back with more community news.

There’s still time to RSVP to the Black History Month Art Against Eraser Mixer at Chicago History Museum.

The museum partnered with the Black & Brown Comix Arts Festival and the Black Chicago History Forum to showcase a weekend of programming that honors Black history in Chicago for all ages.

Kicking off the night starting at 6:15 – 6:45 pm, guests can enjoy music by JD’s Revenge, an Afropunk band.

If you’re a sci-fi or Chicago history fan, you’ll enjoy the Live-Action Role-Play Museum Tour. Join Ytasha Womack, author of Rayla 2212 and artist in her role as Rayla Illmatic. Rayla will be searching through Black Chicago history to rebuild her home, Planet Hope.

Closeout the night with Black History Trivia which will be co-hosted by Shermann “Dilla” Thomas and the Black & Brown Comix Arts. The session starts at 7:30 pm -8:30 pm.

Register for tonight’s event here.


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