What\’s up, Boss Squad?

Did you know that this week is National Small Business Week? There\’s still time to register for the Small Business Association\’s National Small Business Week virtual summit from May 2nd to May 5th. Below we\’ve included a breakdown of a few of the panels you can attend.

Day 1
On the first day, you\’ll be able to attend panels from Google, T-Mobile, Square, and Amazon. Whether you have a small team and are interested in helping everyone achieve success or discovering how to unlock your business growth, you don\’t want to miss out on gaining insight from these industry experts. Also, small business owners can learn how to grow their small business success with e-commerce. Register here to attend the SBA event.

Day 2
Take advantage of the offered panels hosted by Visa, Constant Contact, Samsung, Chase, and SBA. Attendees will learn how to sell more by improving their email marketing strategy or discovering how to empower a hybrid workforce. This day will also feature two panels that show guests how o navigate the small business landscape.

Day 3
On the final day of offerings, panels hosted by T-Mobile, Visa, Spectrum Reach, Vistage, and SBA will cover topics like T-Mobile\’s \”A 5G Future: Technology to Transform Business\”. SBA will offer sales-boosting strategies on a \”Grow Your Sales: Global Entrepreneurs Share Export Success Stories & Advice\” panel. Please tell our team if you learned something helpful from today\’s discussions.

Day 4 (Virtual Winner Celebration)
You can listen to a pre-recorded message from the President of the United States or announcements about the 2022 State & Territory Small Business Person(s) of The Year and the National Small Business Person of the Year will be announced.

Don\’t forget to register and attend this virtual event.


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