Amazon Business Small Business Summit Sept 8

When: September 8th.
Time: 9 am PDT/12 PM EDT
Cost: FREE
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Amazon Business Small Business Summit

Make sure to schedule some time on your calendar to learn from other entrepreneurs what you can do as a soloprenuer or small business owner to improve your business. Guests will learn about the following topics: grow with Google, get an income increase, money and management, and marketing that works.

The Featured Speakers are Anastasia Kudrez, Google trainer, Chris Guillebeau, author of the $100 Startup and Side Hustle, Jay Steinfield, founder and former CEO of, Allan Dib, author of The One-Page Marketing Plan; and Maya Penn, CEO and founder Maya’s Ideas.
During the Google Search and Maps session with Kudrez, you’ll learn how to create or claim your Google Business Profile, Manage your business info across Google Search and Maps, and use your Business Profile to connect with potential customers.
In Guillebeau’s 5 Ways to Increase Your Income session, the self-professed entrepreneur will show you ways to enhance your small business’ revenue stream.
During Steinfield’s How to Build Your Team from the Ground Up you’ll learn seven steps that you can implement to strategically build your team that can help support your business growth and profitability.
In Penn’s Social Media, Press, and Your Business session, you’ll learn the principles of media exposure, content development, and building a following as a solopreneur or small business.
During Dib’s Your Lead Generation Blueprint, you’ll learn how to use paid advertising to generate leads and a measurable return on investment.
You can see the full schedule 
here Tell your friends who are solopreneurs to attend the event
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