5 Behaviors That Cause Self-Sabotage to Your Success

Often, leaders find themselves separated from ‘the pack’ solely because they have the nerve to lead. Because they traverse several trials and tribulations to find success on their journey, they often miss the signs and behaviors that could bring their whole dream crashing down. That’s why it’s crucial to be conscious of any behaviors that cause self-sabotage you might display.

There are significant points to consider regarding how you live your entrepreneurial life, some of which are actions or behaviors you should check and correct if needed. These five points are the usual suspects in relation to how self-proclaimed bosses can sabotage their success. Take note, and see if any of these habits apply to you.


It’s important to remember that your ability to take a risk was what got you to the point of being your own boss. Don’t let your comfort stop your stride. You quit striving for more when you get too comfortable with your gained success.

It can also be uncomfortable to gain success. You remember what it took to get there, making you a little ‘gun-shy’ to go out there and “shoot your shot” again. But, what you should focus on is the end result. Your risk-taking and labor lead to something fruitful. It’s essential to see the beauty in your success, and it’s brave to take a crack at it again.


People who feel entitled to privilege are usually already beneficiaries of their privilege. You think your position as a leader means you’ve reached the pinnacle of success and you’ve “earned the right” to pull back and leave the difficult work to others. When you feel this way, you are more complacent. You are less likely to strive hard because you already think you’re “due” some perk.


Leadership calls for the extraordinary, the sacrifice of time, and a dedication to excellence. But there is such a thing as taking that ideology to the extreme. You might find that you have a fantastic idea. Still, you delay your launch because you’re trying to make everything “just perfect,” not entirely understanding that there’s no such thing as true perfection.
It may be true that mediocrity won’t keep you on top, but be cautious about taking on too many tasks. When you’re spinning too many plates, the most significant mistakes happen.
Focus on completing smaller tasks at the highest level. That kind of focus is more beneficial to keeping your business dynamic and viable. Staying focused can keep you from having unrealistic expectations of yourself, leading to mismanagement and mistakes.
Your team must see you as their “equal leader.” They know you’re in charge, but they also know you’re human and approachable. They need to know you appreciate their contributions. The camaraderie with your team goes a long way toward enhancing your success.


When you have a dream and think you can’t trust the people around you to help you see it through, you end up alienating yourself and stifling the chance for your dream to become contagious. You remove the opportunity for your team to invest in your vision.
Letting your ego make you think you’re the only one with answers is dangerous and self-sabotaging. Involving your team in decision-making can help diversify your options, open doors to new possibilities, and create new avenues to solutions. You only need to trust that you can.


It’s great to be innovative and intelligent. It’s a hindrance being a know-it-all. It is the start of your demise when you develop the attitude that you’ve gained so much experience and knowledge that there’s nothing anyone can teach you.

Complacency comes in many forms, and one of the sneakiest is when it comes through a person believing their way is always the right way. Their plan is always the right plan. And their ideas are the only good ideas. One way to ensure your business becomes boring, monotonous, and stagnant is to view any idea outside your own as unworthy.

Personal development is a continuum. The best minds find excitement in evolution and in taking on the challenge of new ideas. And one of the most important things to know is that knowledge can be gained from various sources. Keeping yourself open-minded is usually an excellent way to go.

It’s important to self-reflect to make sure you’re not sabotaging yourself. It’s easy to fall into habits and/or neglect your progress unwittingly. But, when you recognize the signs, you can course-correct and make sure you reach your goals. The five points we’ve discussed here are a starting point. Take time to self-reflect at least once a month. This habit can help you develop the life you know you’re meant to live.

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