busyness or martyrdom

Busyness or Martyrdom
Trying to fit too many activities into your current schedule can be overwhelming. Do not brag about being busy because you’re trying to prove how dedicated you are to your craft or to appear more successful.
We want to discuss steps you can take to prevent being stuck in a cycle of busyness to manage your time better and become more productive.
Have you ever met someone who constantly drones on about how busy they are? Usually, it’s because they want to appear to be more successful or like they work harder than their peers. Their actions are typically egotistical. But, they often leave you wondering, is it busyness or martyrdom?
The average busy person will tell you that they love every minute of their work. They won’t tell you that fitting too many activities into their schedule makes their life overwhelming and their stress levels elevated.
Running a business indeed means there are times when you’re constantly on the go. You have to stay on top of your game to find and maintain success. Still, a critical aspect of self-care is recognizing when you’ve entered a ‘cycle of busyness,’ and you can take the proper steps to help you prevent getting stuck through better time management. A few simple efforts can help you get started on the right path.
Actions like:
  1. Create routines – Get organized! Automate your chores. Throw in Sunday afternoon meal prepping for the week. Choose one day for grocery shopping, one set time for email correspondence, and be intentional about when you return phone calls.  
  2. Turn off your phone – Be sure to consider your tech-wellbeing. Being online all day can strain your eyes, brain, and more. Try to relax without social media. Make sure to step away from all of your tech devices for at least 30 minutes before you go to bed. It will help you rest better!
  3. Sleep more – Do not sacrifice your sleep to get more work done. Listen to your body and get some rest when you feel your eyes growing heavy.
  4. Live mindfully – Try not to split your focus as much as possible. Multitasking is a great tool, but doing it too often can take its toll on your psyche. If you take a bit of time to train yourself only to multitask when completely necessary will help you to reduce stress during work. 
  5. Prioritize the essential– Think about your purpose and spend time doing the work that matters most. Use your time to achieve your goals. 
  6. Collaborate with others – You can get more work done by working with others. Focus on your strengths and delegate to others you trust to do the other tasks.
  7. Edit less – Let go of the past. After you write the email, re-read it and send it. It’s okay if you need a minute to get mentally ready. As you do each task, don’t worry about being perfect instead of aiming for every day; focus on making progress. 
  8. Protect your free time – Take time to count the hours of free time you have when you finish work. When you know how much time you have, use that time to meet other practical demands of the day.

Check Yourself: - Don't Be the Martyr

  • Share REAL time– Take some time and spend it with a friend while sharing a meal or drink. Find out what’s happening in their lives and whether or not they have any new developments.
  • Self-check – Being busy shouldn’t become the focus of each conversation you have with people. Before speaking, collect your thoughts and choose your words before bringing chaos energy into every room you enter.
  • Remember that it’s not a competition – The work done by your peers is just as valuable as the work you do. You may be tempted to gloat about your successes if you’re building a brand, but it’s vital to see the shine in the work of others, even when they work for someone else. Their work is also a point of pride. 
  • Be Still & Chill – Instead of just trying to force your body to work, slow down. Allow yourself time to think and calm down, then move forward with your next available option.

It’s completely normal to be overwhelmed from time to time. It’s also normal to want to vent to someone about it. But try to have balance with all you do. Let there be balance with the expectations you have set for yourself. Balance the ways you communicate with those around you. You’ll find the balance will help with the ways you face challenges and obstacles.

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